About Me
I have been a Certified Public Accountant and Corporate Consultant (the big career), a Corporate Spouse (not working while advancing the spouse's career), the Caretaker (stay-home mom), running a business in the hospitality industry (entrepreneur) and now a Coach (the calling). I deeply understand and value the intricacies of a variety of roles women have in this world.
As an expat living overseas for 26 years in 6 different countries, my changing circumstances challenged me to constantly renew my thinking and perspectives, taking opportunities abroad, crafting my own way through the journey and finding my unique identity, voice and purpose as a wife, mother and most of all, a woman.
I received a CAN DO award while I was still in Corporate Life. I needed a big dose of that CAN DO attitude when I took on my personal journey in the years following.
I grew up in a small town in South Africa and dreamed of living in New York City one day - and here I am, in the heart of Manhattan.
I am a dreamer and I have crafted and created the life I wanted. I want to help others figure things out so they too can live their dreams inside their realities, whatever that big dream of yours might be.
I have always been in the 'People Business' - empowering others, inspiring others, bringing them together - be it as a team in my corporate career, as leader in the organizations I served, as an employer in the hospitality industry or simply around a long dinner table with friends and family - the thing I love to do most.
I love witnessing a transformation- either a person or a place - to see something or someone become that which nobody could imagine was possible. The ultimate reward is to be part of a person's journey.
Some of my passions you can find here.
We always look for something outside of ourselves, be it other people or our circumstances, as a reason for why we can't create a sustainably fulfilling life. I did the same. I held myself captive, facing trials and tribulations and letting it keep me stuck. I was living an exciting life in abundance but in the end, something was missing.
I neglected that which was most important - my health, myself and my mental well-being. A total breakdown was imminent.
Despite the challenges, pain, heartbreaks, and difficult circumstances, finding the right help and resources combined with a good dose of self-help, self-leadership and determination, I got back on track.
With the right guidance, I learnt that only you can set yourself free from limitations. It's all inside of you already. We can achieve anything we desire and be anything we yearn for as long as we truly believe it. Life is about Choices.
I discovered
Life Coaching
and it changed my Life...
I became unstoppable in helping others after discovering the transformative power of my own journey.
A growth container is the ultimate space where we can explore, heal and grow - where we can identify and disrupt limiting patterns, freeing ourselves from shame, lack, and isolation.
After experiencing the profound impact of coaching on my own and others' lives, I became a Certified Life Coach to help others achieve the same irreversible breakthroughs.
If you are unfamiliar with Coaching, you can find pointers here or feel free to ask me anything here.
My energy, life experience and education truly was a bonus while standing on the shoulders of giants in the coaching industry. I first trained with the incredibly skilled Brooke Castillo from the Life Coach School and furthered my studies at The Institute for Women-Centered Coaching, Training and Leadership under Dr.Claire Zammit, Ph.D.
Dr. Zammit is a global leader and pioneer in women-based coaching and also the Founder of Feminine Power and Evolving Wisdom. Her 25 years of research and experiences was condensed in nucleus format to train coaches to spread the word and change the world.
Her programs have reached millions of women worldwide, and her groundbreaking doctoral research on the obstacles preventing intelligent, conscious women from stepping into their greatness has been praised as a seminal contribution to the advancement of women in this century. Her teachings had propelled me into becoming a World Class Coach.
I am MANY things.
A Mother. A Wife. A Sister. A Friend. A Creative.
A Consultant. A Coach. A Storyteller. A Writer. A Poet.
A Dreamer. Designer. Decorator. Renovator. Stylist.
A Content Creator. Business Owner. A Host. An Event Planner.
A Globetrotter. An Expat. An Entrepreneur. Auditor and Accountant.
Procrastinator. Planner. Perfectionist. Organizer. Opportunist. Optimist.
And so are YOU.
Every woman has a story.
Her own unique story.
Sometimes we are stuck in our old story, holding us back from the dreams and desires we have for our own lives.
You can not rewrite the chapters that have been read, but you can certainly still edit the ones ahead and re-write the ending.
I would love to help you write your new story.
Let's start here.